A place for random thoughts from the life of a follower of Jesus.

Monday, May 14, 2007

It was a good day for planting...

I was planting strawberries the other day. No, they are not mine, though I'm sure my son would be very happy if they were! Friends of ours bought a small farm and are venturing into the garden produce business, and decided to plant strawberries. I was called upon to help, so I went out for a few hours last Saturday. It was both dull and interesting work at the same time, if that makes any sense. It was monotonous, in that you're doing the same thing again and again, but it was interesting in that I got to see how the strawberry planter works.
It's pulled behind the tractor and has two seats on it. The two people seated there take turns feeding small strawberry plants into the holders, which cycle down and deposit them into the freshly-created furrow. At the same time, water dribbles down into the furrow to provide some initial moisture for the new transplants. It takes some practice. If you don't get the plants in just right, they'll fall out of the holders too soon, or they'll stick and come back up and around.
Some of the time, I was planting with their oldest girl, about 9 years old, who I began calling Strawberry Shortcake. She was very good at the job, often putting in two to my one.
I thought of how God wants to grow us and provides the best possible conditions for us. Sometimes we don't stick with it and fall out. For some Christians, they don't want to be planted and grow. They prefer to stick to the familiar situations of church and home, rotating through an endless cycle, going around and around but never growing or producing any fruit. It brings up the question: are you willing to be planted where God can use you, or do you want to just stick around, dry up and not amount to anything? Getting planted sometimes seems lonely, discouraging, or even frightening, but it's where we can be the most effective.
Have a good day, and get planted!
P.S. Don't give up on commenting on the previous post "If I Could Start a Church."
For those who are looking for good books to read, check out Organic Church by Neil Cole. I have only begun to read it, but it promises to be a challenging read.