A LIttle Light Work
Well, it's Monday and the work week has begun again. Sometimes it feels like it never really ends doesn't it? It may feel like there is no ending and beginning, just a running together of the weeks.
Life seems to be so busy. When there's not work to do (when's that?), there's stuff to do at home, not to mention the addition of all the other stuff we choose to do: recreation, entertainment, etc. When recreation and entertainment get to be a burden, it may have lost its effectiveness!
I usually have Fridays off. However, between my son's surgery and pre- and post-op appointments, as well as additional ministry requirements lately, it feels like I haven't had a free Friday for a month or two. Not that I don't do anything on Fridays. But, a day free of lots of activities and responsibilities allows me to do some things that need doing (Now how much sense does that make? Being free of responsibilities to do other responsibilities???). Having somke freedom on Fridays allows me to grocery shop - the grocery store is much nicer and calmer in the middle of the week day than in the evening or Saturday - as well as things around the house, like fix-it jobs and laundry. I sure sound like a regular househusband, don't I? Well, if the shoe fits.... My wife works long and hard and earns more than twice what I do, even if I were working full-time. So, I guess I need to do what needs doing. After all, work is work, no matter who is doing it.
I need a reminder now and again that I don't have to do everything myself. One day Jesus addressed people like you and me: "Are you tired? Worn out?" His answer for this too-common condition? Come to me and find true rest. You can read it in Matthew 11:28-30 (Here's the link for The Message: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011:28-30;&version=65;).
You might be asking: 'why always quote from the Bible?' Good question! I believe that it is timeless and has the answers for what we need in life. If you don't see it the same way I do, that's okay. We can still talk and I'll be praying that you will truly find God as you seek for the truth.
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